
Showing posts from November, 2021


 As we grow, our parent was our first teacher. They teach us how to talk to our elders with respect, how we address them, how we behave, interact in a public place,how to be polite in a certain occasion or events and even how we property eat and drink in front of other people. These are some of the social etiquette we continue practicing until now. Etiquette is a set of rules and guidelines that one individual must possess in order to be accepted in a certain society. It reflects society's ethical codes, history, custom and the guidelines of different groups in which we live and belong.... In this blog, I will show to you how we should property act and behave in the social situations. Perhaps, I will show to you the different ways of showing etiquette. 1. Always say " Thank you" and " Please".       A simple saying thank you shows how you appreciate for a certain thing and it is one one the good manners to thank people who have help you in a small thing. On the