As we grow, our parent was our first teacher. They teach us how to talk to our elders with respect, how we address them, how we behave, interact in a public place,how to be polite in a certain occasion or events and even how we property eat and drink in front of other people. These are some of the social etiquette we continue practicing until now. Etiquette is a set of rules and guidelines that one individual must possess in order to be accepted in a certain society. It reflects society's ethical codes, history, custom and the guidelines of different groups in which we live and belong....

In this blog, I will show to you how we should property act and behave in the social situations. Perhaps, I will show to you the different ways of showing etiquette.

1. Always say " Thank you" and " Please". 

     A simple saying thank you shows how you appreciate for a certain thing and it is one one the good manners to thank people who have help you in a small thing. On the other hand saying please is a sign that you are recognizing another person's worth as fellow human being. It is our way to show respect to other people.

2. Offer compliments 

   Always generous with your words of appreciation and offer compliments and praise when required. If you are sincere in your efforts and offer genuine admiration, it will create a rapport that will keep you in good stead in the days to come.

3. Self - control 

    This is one of the most important etiquette that one individual must possess especially if you are a professional or educated person. You should act and behave in a proper way. Do not be loud, arrogant, and raise your voice while speaking especially in front of other people.

4. Speak with Caution 

      Always pay attention to your words as they are considered as strong tool in building and destroying relationship. You should be aware of what you've said to another person. Speak kindly and keep your body language open. Do not complain or criticize or participate in gossip as it is disrespectful.

5. Be punctual

     Being on time is one of the most desired traits of one human being. Arriving too early is not a good etiquette,  nor is arriving late. Be punctual at all occasions at all costs if you want to develop the basic rules of social etiquette.

6. Stand during the introduction

    Standing while introducing is one of the social etiquette we should practicing since we always apply it to our daily lives. During an introduction, it is important to stand and offer a shake hands or greetings. It is our way to show our respect and gratitude to the other person.

7. Offer seat 

  Offering seat to one person is also one of the way of showing social etiquette. Especially if you are traveling in a public transport and you see an older adult or someone pregnant or poor health, it is common courtesy to offer your seat to that person. 

8. Hold doors

     It is normal to one individual to help one person struggling with the door. Helping one person to open door is a basic etiquette that we should do anywhere we go.

9. Wear clothes appropriately

      It is important to one individual to follow the dress code and dress appropriately at all occasions. You cannot go to a meeting wearing informal clothes as it shows bad behavior and unethical for you.

10. Be an active listening 

       Do not put your full time in speaking, since it also important to listen to others. An educated person is know when to speak and when to listen. Listening with others concerned are one of the social etiquette one must continue to practice. Do not interupt anyone while speaking, as it considered bad manners. 


  The term etiquette is such a small word but encompasses a whole lot of roles and responsibilities that have become a guiding force in a society. It is clear that we should follow a moral code of conduct, show respect to others and always be polite. Practicing good social etiquette help improved our society and shape our personalities as a citizen.



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