As we continue to improve, our surrounding also keep upgrading. Now, as Globalization continue to expand, the connection of every nations also increases and stronger especially now that we are in a modern generation where a lot of technologies and devices are being used for us to communicate and share one country's Information and idea which is one of our advantage to cope up with other nations. 

 Now, I know that we people have the knowledge of our recent position, like how globalization helps each and every one of us. However, we can't deny the fact that we tends to misinterpret the definition of globalism to globalization. Does these two the same? What about informationalism? Does globalism and informationalism share the same concept? Or does these terms has a big contribution to our globe? You may asked. We may know the term globalization, but there are still some of us didn't have any idea what globalism and informationalism really is. 

 Now, this blog will discuss and share information about the definition of globalism and informationalism as well as how these two differ from one another . I will be using a Venn diagram to compare and contrast globalism and informationalism. 

  But before I compare these two terms, let's first define the definition of Globalism and Informationalism in order to have ideas and understand more this blog.  

  Globalism is a more general orientation toward conducting interactions between both individuals and collectives (nations, organizations, etc.) across national boundaries the make foreign policies more like global policies requiring greater cooperation between nations and other organizations. While, Informationalism is a newer concept that has been coined to explain how and why globalism has become so important—the international sharing of information across borders that makes nations somewhat less important and individual interactions more so.

  Now that we already have insight about the definition of Globalism and Informationalism. Let's now discuss and compare Globalism and Informationalism. As I stated earlier, I will be using a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the globalism and informationalism. 

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 Now, I know that some of us still confused about globalism and informationalism. I will be discussing these two and how important globalism and informationalism to our current global situation. 

  Globalism is a national policy that views the entire world as a true political power center. Globalization is more prevalent in the direction of communication with both individuals and collectives (nations, organizations, and so on) across national borders, making foreign policy and global policies more dependent on nation-to-nation cooperation.

 If we define globalization it refers to the worldwide interdependence of country economies. Trade, travel, communication, transportation, and culture are all examples of globalization.

  Now the question is, What is the difference between globalization and globalism? Many people would think that the two terms refer to the same phenomenon because of their sounds and we think it came from the word globalization, however there are important differences between the two.

  At its root, globalism tries to define and explain nothing more than a world marked by intercontinental networks of connections. It tries to comprehend all of the modern world's interconnections. Globalization, on the other hand, refers to the increase or decrease in the degree of globalization. It concentrates on the forces, dynamism, or rate of change. In a nutshell, think of globalism as the fundamental network, and globalization as the dynamic decrease of distance on a huge scale.

 Globalism is thin. As it become thicker, globalization comes in. Globalization is defined as the ability to connect countries around the world in a more dynamic and speedier manner. It was said that there are dimensions of globalism. These are the followings:

- Economic Globalism

- Environmental Globalism

- Military Globalism

- Social and Cultural Globalism

  Some of us may not familiar about these various dimensions, so I will be discussing these but let's first define each of the dimensions of globalism for better understanding. 

Economic Globalism 

- It involves long - distance flows of goods, services, and capital and the information and perceptions that accompany market exchange. These flows in turn organize other processes linked to them. Example of economic globalism is international trade. This is when countries come together and supply each other with things that they did not have available in their country.  

Environmental Globalism

- Refers to the long-distance transfer of materials in the atmosphere or oceans, as well as biological substances like infections and genetic material, that have an impact on human life and well-being. The accelerated depletion of the estradosparic ozone layer as a result of ozone-deflating compounds is an example of environmental globalism.

Military Globalism 

- Refers to the deployment of force, as well as the threat or promise of force, over large distances.

  The "balance terror" between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War is a well-known example of military globalism - a strategic dependency that was acute and well-known. Military Globalism refers to the evolution of military relations in global systems.

Social and Cultural Globalism

- Globalization of ideas, information, and pictures, as well as individuals carrying ideas and information, is what social and cultural globalism entails. The internet, which decreases costs and globalizes communications, is driving social and cultural globalization in the modern era, making the flow of ideas increasingly independent of other types of globalization. With the introduction of modern mass communications, computers, and social networking sites, it appears that the connections formed via the flow of information have created a new type of network in today's world.

  Now, that we already have insight about globalism and its dimensions, let's now discuss the next topic which is informationalism, but before I dive deeper on its counterparts let us define first informationalism.

  In a simple definition, informationalism is a computer science and current communication-related technical paradigm. Materialization of our technology, media, and internet which is known now as electronic networks. As a result of this, informationalism is associated with globalism.

  As I previously indicated, globalism refer to the various countries' networks and relationships. However, informationalism refers to the kind of connections that can be made through electronic gadgets.

  Expanding on informationalism, as described by Castells, networks are the essential pattern of existence, of all forms of life. This emphasizes the relevance of the various networks that exist in our environment. From the beginning to the present, the world has been linked. So, whether the connection is modest or vast, it still fulfills its purpose.

  With the growing status of our technology, informationalism begins to exist and increase in the contemporary world. These results to the increasing relevance of information sharing among the people from different parts of the globe about different things.

  The information that is being transferred serves as a current binding force among the people, things, and parts of the globe because the information allows them to interact, exchange and establish connections. These modernized connections are the reason why informationalism is replacing industrialism.

  So, why is industrialism being replaced by informationalism? Well not necessarily that Informationalism will replace industrialism, including manufactured foods, clothes, and other factory-produced items.

 Now, some of us still confused and didn't know the main reasons why informationalism is displacing industrialism. Does it really replace industrialism? You may asked. The following are the reasons why informationalism is replacing industrialism. 

1. Immaterial products, such as information exchange, are being centralized. In other words, it is becoming more relevant nowadays.

2. Knowing that we live in a modern world where technology is growing more recent, technology is rising and trending.

3. Existence of three cutting-edge features of the social world and globalization. As a result of this factor, informationalism become so important . The following are the three most cutting-edge, as Ritzer previously stated. 

- Technology 

- Media

- Internet

 The common questions that might appears in your mind it that why is it becomes revolutionary these three most cutting-edge?

 Well-developed technology, including machinery and equipment based on scientific understanding. The media is the primary means of mass communication, and the internet of course is one of today's most valuable items. It produces and provides the majority of information. As we know, these three aspects plays major roles why informationalism keeps developing as of the moment.  

  Now, since we already have the knowledge of informationalism, I am going to discuss now the world of informationalism and some sectors where informationalism contributed. These are the following:

- Delivery

- Health

- Astronomy

- Geographical Navigation

1. Delivery 

Moving forward to the 1970s, when the information age began, federal express, or what we now call FedEx, became a prominent example of technological improvement in terms of shipping goods, particularly in 1971. It was formed by Mr. Frederick Smith, the CEO, and with his success, his shipping company spread all over the world.

2. Health 

Since the advent of informationalism in the current generation, the use of computer technology in the medical profession has been remarkable due to the introduction of MRIs, magnetic resonance imaging ultrasound, x-ray, diagnostic, CD scan, and other laboratory operations. What if our technology do not continue to have advancement? We may face difficulties in developing research and discovering cures for diseases, and putting countless lives at risk.

3. Astronomy

Space-based technology have undoubtedly been made possible by today's technical breakthroughs. The computers were used to investigate extraterrestrial bodies and how the human body would work on another planet, such as Mars. Around terms of technology, NASA is expected to go to Mars in the year 2030.

4. Geographical Navigation 

This also made possible by the technological race. Satellites were developed for a variety of uses. It is used by the military to keep opponents at a safe distance. It's also utilized in GPS, or Global Positioning Systems, and GNS, or Global Navigation Systems. These were used to track a single person's present location and location within a certain area. It also aids in determining where a location is and where to go. If you are ever traveling, you can use what the Google map says about the direction you wished to go. For your information, satellites were responsible for your devices' ability to determine whether you should turn left or right.

  According to Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, the medium, or how the message is delivered, is more important than the substance presented through the media in the New Media Age. This means that televisions, radios, and newspapers have influenced "individual subjectivity and culture not only locally but globally." The idea being portrayed here is how important different mediums, such as modern technology, are in influencing people's personal beliefs and culture, which reaches out to others internationally.

  We all know how crucial televisions are for conveying information to people all around the world. Although the message or information being delivered is crucial, attention grabbers like as jokes or entertaining trivias are also necessary in order to make the broadcast effective and ensure that the message reaches the intended audience.

  When one mentions online social networking, spam and computer viruses,it is the internet that binds them all. The internet is a mark of the contemporary world. According to George Ritzer, "The internet has prompted a flat world thesis; anyone can be involved in it, at least theoretically". This simply means that almost everything is being done online and since the use of the internet is very common nowadays, anyone can be involved in online agenda such as social networking, computer viruses or even scams. We all know that having a computer today in our homes, our schools, our workplaces, and accessing the internet through our personal cellphones allow us to be connected with the rest of the world. We can gain information by accessing different websites, such as Facebook and Wikipedia through the internet. In the same manner, the information about ourselves that we share is also exposed making us to connect with others around the globe. Thus, information easily spread with the help of these tools.

  As a result of the exposure being done online especially in our social media accounts, the information that we input and share about ourselves can also be seen by other people which a lot aren't really aware of. These people are most likely prone to identity theft, scams an other cyber crimes. Thus, one person must think berfore he/she clicks.

   I know that some of us are confused between globalism and informationalism , however through this blog you can gain knowledge regarding the definition as well as how they shale and contribute to our global . Now, that you know the difference between globalism and informationalism, it will help you to have a better understanding regarding to our current situation . Hoping that this blog gives you more insight and information about positive effects of globalization from global corporation . Thank you for reading.


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