According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, happiness is the state of being happy or an experience that makes you happy. Happiness is one of the most important emotion that one person must possess. It is a great feeling that no one can buy for you. It is a choice since everyday there are things that might happen and your happiness will depend on how you respond and react to those things. Most of us wanted to achieve happiness since being happy means having a healthy lifestyle. 

 According to Aristotle, happiness consists in achieving, through the course of a whole lifetime, all the goods — health, wealth, knowledge, friends, etc. — that lead to the perfection of human nature and to the enrichment of human life. This requires us to make choices, some of which may be very difficult. 

 Indeed, some things can make you happy for some time, but if you are someone who wants to know about what are the ways in order to attain happiness then this blog will introduce to you some tips to achieve happiness.


1. Accept yourself and all your flaws

   Accepting and embracing one's insecurities is the first step in order to be happy. When you know your worth, your mind will work and can think immediately without being bothered. When you don't accept yourself, you'll overthink because you are conscious about your appearance which can lead to wander your mind and will take you to the places we don't wanted to go such as having anxiety and depression. Stay focused and relax. Stop comparing yourself to others since you have your own feature, body, and beauty. We are all have unique features which we tend to call insecurities. Thus, the first tips to achieve happiness is to accept and embrace one's flaws. 

2. Stay optimistic in life

      Having a positive mind will help to achieve the dreams and goal in life because of the strong spirit you give everytime you encounter circumstances. When you have dream in life, go for it and chase for it . Don't listen to the voices behind you, keep going and do everything what your heart dictates to you. It doesn't matter the opinion of other people, when you achieve your goal in life because of having a positive mind will lead you to have a happy and healthy lifestyle. Stay productive, positive and optimistic.

3. Have a goal in life and work hard to meet them

   In life it is important to set goal for us to feel fulfilled and satisfied of what we are doing. Even though we have small progress as well as achievement, it will help to enhance our outlook and self - esteem. Developing self-esteem will help one person to perform its work truly without being conscious. Striving hard and be successful are the ingredients to attain happiness.

4. Surrounds with positive people and that has the same goal to you


 No man is an island. Spending more time with your family and close friends will help to boost your determination in life. Having a heart to heart  talk to someone especially with the happy soul that has a positive mind set will encourage us to improve ourselves. We forget our own worries when we share meaningful moments with loved ones. Engaging with conversation, connecting and relating with others enhances our sense of belonging.

5. Spend time doing activities you are passionate

      Don't think twice of trying new things that makes you happy. Experience makes us happier than possession. So don't waste your time thinking about other people, move and take time to do the things you wanna do to satisfy yourself. There's nothing wrong of doing things which gives us pleasure. While we are still young we should explore and do things that makes us happy because money will back but time won't. Doing something which we find that can comfort us will be a great experience to become a happy person. 

6. Always be generous and help other people

    Helping other people in any ways is a great achievement for you. Doing something freewill is a great way to feel that you are doing something good for others as well as for yourself.

7. Engage with healthy lifestyle and nature 

  Doing exercises everyday and eating healthy foods will help you calm and away from any deceases. It will not just improve your physical appearance but also maintain good condition of your mental health as well as your emotional well being. Nature is calming and has beauty that will help you to put problems in perspective.

8. Let go of Anger

     Being anger will just ruin the wall you build for achieving happiness in life. It will just hassle the positive soul within your body which can lead to lower your self confidence. It will just take away the positive energy you've been invested and will only fuel the negative energy. Thus, one individual must be forgive but never forget. Let go of Anger and move on to have a happy life. 

9. Reduce Expectations

  Too much expectations will just hurt our heart and ego. There are things that are not meant to be happen as we expect them to be happen. Learn to be practical and go with the flow. Take people and life as they come. Don't set too much standards since it will just lead to disappointment. 

10. Let go of worries

      Worries will just make you sick. It will just get worsen if you will not take medicine. In other term, you should be proactive and optimistic in every situation or circumstances you will face in the future. Worrying will just take you nowhere unless you possess the character of being initiative and try to find the solution regarding the things which worrying you. If you already tried your best and it was beyond of your control anymore, there's nothing wrong of letting go. Always worrying will just build new assumptions that might affect your self-esteem.

11. Don't take life so seriously 

     Life is like a rollercoaster. There are times we are at the lower point of our life and sometimes we are at our highest. You should have a mindset of being positive. Don't be disappoint because you didn't met the expectations of other people. You should always be happy and laugh as much as you can.  Look for the positive side of life and neglect the negative spirit. Look for the humor in life and learn to laugh at yourself.

12.  List the things that makes you happy from the day past

      When you feel that you are being alone and sad. Grab the notes where you wrote all the things and events that makes you happy. Reading and reminiscing those things will reduce the negative you've been experience in your life. Use them as a escape from the trap full of negative vibes. Also, use them as your road to find and experience happiness in your life. 

13. Have a time by yourself

      This is the most important thing that you must have in order to attain happiness. Be yourself and have time for yourself. You can read books or anything that makes you relax while doing your comfort zone. Enjoy your own company without rehashing the past or even worrying about the future. Get lost in yourself! 


   The tips which I've been shared are very helpful for those people who wants to attain happiness in their life. Happiness is one of the goal among individuals since it is a lifetime emotions that makes you positive and productive in life. Happiness is yours for the taking. If you are unhappy, work for the percent of your happiness potential that you can control. 

  We should put in our mind that in order for us to be happy you should make your own road map, start living having a positive mind while collecting happy moments with your love ones and last write a beautiful story with your memories which can be an inspiration of other people on how to be happy. 

Hope this blog help you on how to attain happiness!


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