Insight on “Good Citizenship Values cluster PagkaMaka-Diyos


  Citizenship is important for developing a strong moral code in individuals, but it's also important for creating a safe, supportive society while protecting democracy. The following are the Good Citizenship Values cluster PagkaMaka-Diyos:

Faith in the Almighty

  Given the importance of my prayer in my life and in the history of my nation, I have a greater understanding of the things I may do when I lead a life of faith. I have the desire to act morally, make good choices, and use my abilities to the fullest extent possible—gifts that God has given me. When faced with situations that go against my moral principles and those that could harm the well-being of others, I will make an effort to maintain my moral integrity. My faith is a gift that sustains me during difficult times and enables me to make moral choices. I am aware of its manifold benefits and I shall strive to nurture this gift through prayer and reflection. I also understand that my faith in God can bring me to appreciate myself, my family, friends and colleagues, my job and my people better. Thus, I will do my best to be a discerning individual with God as my source of wisdom in everything that I do. With my resolve to be a better person, I can go further by putting my faith into action. I shall live a life that is based on the right values and serve as an inspiration to others who may be struggling to strengthen their own faith in God.

 Respect for life in action    

Participants may choose to integrate the value of respect for life in their subject areas/lessons, in their family life through a deeper personal reflection and consciousness of practices in the home (e. g. instilling of disciple, recognition of the uniqueness and worth of each member, role modeling of parents so that their children may grow with dignity and right values; and in stressing the importance of health and personal development and in their daily lives and communities by always recognizing the dignity of others and appreciating the value of the life of every person. Participants may choose to make a personal pledge to consciously uphold life in every circumstance and shun violence as a means of achieving an end. 

Order in action 

  Some examples of how students may cultivate and encourage the value of order in their area of concern: 

1. Develop a good set of study habits and zealously follow them through everyday. 

2. Develop your organization skills and train yourself to always practice good grooming and gentlemanly/ lady-like conduct. 

3. Learn to manage your resources, studies and extra-curricular activities well. Learn to identify your priorities.

Remember that your main priority as a student is to study well and work towards developing and perfecting your talents and gifts. 

4. Follow and respect rules and regulations in and outside the school. Know that the rules are meant to keep things in order so that you may be properly formed into a good citizen and person of worth.

 As a good citizen, understand that the value of order is important in your quest to improve yourself as a person and as a citizen. You shall strive to arrange your life in a certain way that will allow you to be a more productive citizen. You shall inspire others by your example to live peaceful and more meaningful lives by living the value of order everyday.

 Work in action 

  Students may go into a period of personal reflection as to how they value the work hard and the right values and attitudes towards their works and dealings. Students may also opt to evaluate their actual work attitudes, motivations and priorities. This will allow them to direct themselves towards performing their works with a sounder disposition, clearer understanding of their priorities and more meaningful motivations. Teachers may inculcate the value of work-hard, honest work and quality work in their students by being more affirming, inspiring and appreciative of their student’s efforts toward achieving quality result in their schoolwork. Community leaders may develop more positive outlook and attitude towards the value of work among their peers and subordinates by highlighting the importance of each other’s unique community function or assignments as well as the integral role each plays in the success of community undertakings. 

 Concerns for the family and future generations in action  

    Students may choose to evaluate their own family life more deeply. They can specifically look into how their own family cultivates love, understanding and mutual respect. They can also asses and appraise their role in the family and devise ways to become better family members. My family is great source of strength and inspiration and I understand that in the midst of harsh world, it is constantly confronted with things that tend to destroy its values and sense of unity.

I also know that my family is fragile, an uncaring, unloving and irresponsible child can easily destroy it, the temptations presented by world obsessed with material gratification and convenience can just easily obliterate it’s values and virtues; and that my own complacency and indecision to be better family member can lead to the destruction of unity, harmony and the prospect of prosperity for my family. I shall make it a point to spend quality time with my family, enjoying the beauty of love, unity and faith that bind us as we face the challenges of the world together.

I hereby make a personal promise to be a loving and responsible family member and work towards strengthening the bonds that unite my family. I shall strive to be responsible in my studies and in my role as a member of my family. I shall give my elders due respect and appreciate their sacrifices by exhibiting hard work in my tasks. I shall be prudent in my ways and discerning when I face the realities of the world. I shall honor my parents and elders in their old age and continue to be inspired by their example. As a person, I shall be an advocate of life and vanguard of its preservation. I shall resist any proposal or intent that potentially undermines the sanctity and value of the family. 

Love in action 

   Students may be encouraged to evaluate the way they regarded and express the value of love with the people around them (family, elders, friends, ordinary people, etc. ) in their own respective capacities, encourage participants to perform little acts of love and by being a good example of generosity, genuine concern, compassion and integrity to their fellowmen.

The participants may also be reminded of the benefits of our people’s love for freedom and democracy and how such love never fails to unite our people and work against injustice and tyranny as proven by our own history at EDSA. As the acts of loving start with a person’s commitment to his personal resolution and personal evaluation, the participants may be encouraged to reflect on their daily acts and how they affect the lives of the people around them in the course of performing their duties. 

I am mindful of the act that my life is made more meaningful by the value of love. I shall not be a believer of violence, unkindness and greed. I shall make every effort to avoid resources that tend to harm others or cause them undue inconvenience. I shall appreciate my fellowmen and recognize the beauty that each of them bears. I shall be vanguard of truth, justice and democracy because I love my country and fellowmen, I shall act on my personal resolution to perform acts of kindness and compassion as testament of my commitment to be a loving person for others. 

Freedom in action

   As a citizen, I believe that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance and responsibility on my part. I recognized its importance and the sacrifices that my ancestors gave to secure it so that I may enjoy it’s fruits during my lifetime. I shall carry my freedom with dignity and responsibility, ever mindful that my own freedom does not trample those of others. I hereby pledge to defend freedom boldly and unwaveringly so that I may be able to share its legacy to future generations.

I shall make myself an informed individual so that I may remain vigilant of the way freedom in my country is treated. Lastly, I shall honor my country’s heroes and martyrs by doing my utmost to be a citizen of worth so that I may truly set my country and myself free from the bondage of immortality, injustice and complacency. 

Peace in action 

 Participants may be encouraged to reflect on how they have cultivated the value of peace in their families, work and dealings, as well in the manner by which they tackle issues that affect them.

They may also be inspired to take a more conscious effort to highlight the value of peace in their lives by establishing order in their affairs and having the will to stick by it amidst of resorting to what is convenient though contrary to the value of peace. They may be encouraged further to review their stand on certain issues that nay be cited as worth pondering: the War on Terror, the Oakwood Mutiny, the Mindanao Insurgency, the Government’s Campaign Against Corruption, and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. I am a person of peace, a builder of harmony among my fellowmen.

I recognize my own obligation as a person and citizen and do my best to fulfill them. I shall not make unreasonable demands on others and myself. I am aware of my rights and that of my fellowmen. As I am ardent in the preservation of my rights and well being, I am further resolved to preserve the rights and well being of the people around me. I shall strive to promote harmony and friendship in my community. I abhor all violence. I further understand that the value of peace may only be present in my life of order so I can cultivate and reap the value of peace. 

Truth in action 

 Some examples of how students may cultivate and encourage the value of truth in there are of concern: 

1. Preparing well for school in terms of accomplishing assignments and requirements. 2. Never considering cheating as a n option. 

3. Enthusiastically and sincerely performing one’s tasks and role as a student guided by a sound and prudent set of priorities. P

   I am person of integrity and the truths strengthen my character. I shall always recognizes its value and thus be truthful in all my dealings. I see myself as a defender of truth. Hence, I shall not participate in any activity (corruption, deceit, etc. ) that runs contrary to this special role. I shall be steadfast in my way faith that in the good fight for righteousness, the truth will set me free and it will always prevail. 

Justice in action 

   Participants may put the value of justice into action in their lives by nurturing an attitude of vigilance and understanding of situations that tend to undermine justice in their relationships and in the community. They may be develop a renewed consciousness of being mindful of the right and dignity of others and maintain a high level of respect for every individual. They may further promote the value of social justice by seeking ways of reaching out of those who may less fortunate in life (through volunteer or charitable works) and give them justice by helping them live with dignity and with a renewed hope so that a justice system that is just, loving and secure will not remains as a mere dream of the oppressed, but a reality to be enjoyed by all.

I recognized the inherent right of every person to live in dignity and liberty, secure from oppression and any form of abuse. As a good citizen, I shall be ever mindful that I do not trample the rights and dignity of others and further ensure my fellowmen of my vigilance in the protection of their rights. I shall be fair and charitable in all my dealings. I shall do my best to help others whose lives may be unjustly affected by the times and by practices that undermine their dignity as persons. I shall continue to have faith in the value of justice and act conscientiously and rendering it.


Unity represents togetherness. Therefore, it is standing together for every thick and thin matter. There are many stories as well as real-life incidences have proved that unity always leads a harmonious and fulfilling life for all. As a citizen, I should always practice to be open with my fellow Filipino citizens. I should share my ideas with them and cooperate with them if there are projects needed to be done for the betterment of each and everyone. 


Equality is about ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents. It is also the belief that no one should have poorer life chances because of the way they were born, where they come from, what they believe, or whether they have a disability. They should not be subjected in discrimination. As a good citizen, I shall view my classmates and other people as a human being that has rights. Regardless what their traditions and cultures I must respect it and should treat them good and fair. There is no such thing as inferior and superior, thus I must treat other people equality and unbiased. 

Respect for law and government,

Respect for the law is manifested in the self-willed compliance that some citizens undertake. They obey the law, not because they should, but because they feel that to obey is the right thing to do after Congress and the President have spoken. As a student, I always respect our law and government by following the rules and regulations being implemented. 


Patriotism means supporting and loving our country even when it’s going through rough or difficult times. You still love our country, even when things are not as you desire or you would like. Devotion to our country means standing with it, no matter what, and working to make it better. As a student, I can be a good citizen by voting the right person that has a planned for the betterment and improvement of our country. I should support our local products as well as listening to our OPM. I can also show my patriotic citizen by commemorating the sacrifices of our heroes. 

Promotion of the common good, which make us Maka-Bayan

In ordinary political discourse, the “common good” refers to those facilities whether material, cultural or institutional that the members of a community provide to all members in order to fulfill a relational obligation they all have to care for certain interests that they have in common. This refers to policies, decisions, and actions that are beneficial for most or all members of a given community or society. In a democracy, citizens are expected to work towards the good of all citizens, rather than trying just to maximize personal gain.

Concern for the environment which make us Maka-Kalikasan.

As a good citizen, I should be concerned for the environment especially today many young people are not disposing their waste properly and not putting it in a proper trash bin. I should cut this type of behavior and instead I'll prevent burning plastics which affect our ozone layer, minimizing the use of plastic bags, and recycling bottles and old CDs for our school project. In this way, I show my concern for our environment  as a student in order to prevent pollution in our country.


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