
Showing posts from November, 2022

“The Importance of Republic Act 6713"

  In order to uphold the time-honored notion that holding public office is a public trust, Republic Act 6714 establishes a code of conduct and ethical standards for public officials and employees. It also provides incentives and rewards for exceptional service, lists prohibited acts and transactions, and imposes penalties for violations. To encourage a high level of ethics in public service, this policy was created. It is encouraging to know that there is a statute in place to protect the government entities' reputations as public trusts. Because there are standards of conduct that must be strictly adhered to by them in order to perform and discharge their official functions and obligations, this has helped to improve the behavior of our public officials and employees. As a result of the public's faith in public servants and employees, who are accountable for the public's business, the law requires that there always be justice and fairness in the provision of services to th

Insights regarding our right as citizens of the Philippines to utilize and enjoy all natural resources according to the principle of sustainable development

  Most of us are aware that natural resources must arise naturally from living and nonliving materials found in the ground, such as plants, fish, and fungi, as well as water, soil, and minerals. However, thought and consideration must be given to the potential distinction and accessibility of such natural resources. Since certain renewable natural resources require time to regenerate and not all of them are renewable. In short, natural resources is fix and should use wisely and accordingly. In connection with that, as Filipino citizens, we have the right to make use of and benefit from all natural resources in accordance with the idea of sustainable development. While it is important to use and enjoy natural resources, they should only be used for sustainability and development. We should be mindful and remember that deforestation, chemical farming, and overuse of natural resources all contribute to soil erosion and global warming. Given that we depend on natural resources for shelter

Norms of Conduct of Public Officials and Employees which shows “Nationalism and Patriotism "

Click the link below to see the video:

Philippine Law in Protecting Environment

 In our country Philippines, multiple Philippine laws exist to protect the environment, including laws and regulations pertaining to the preservation and protection of the environment.   The Environmental Protection Act is crucial and significant because it aims to safeguard public health, protect the environment, and control pollution and other public hazards. It also aims to promote sustainable economic and social development. Here are some examples;  1. Philippine Clean Air Act  The Republic Act 8749 is a comprehensive air quality management policy and program aimed at achieving and maintaining healthy air for Filipinos. Recognize and acknowledge that cleaning the habitat and environment is primarily an are-based; Acknowledging that a healthy and clean environment benefits everyone and should thus be everyone's concern. Protect and promote the global environment while acknowledging that it is the main responsibility and primary duty of LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS to address environm

Insight on “Good Citizenship Values cluster PagkaMaka-Diyos

    Citizenship is important for developing a strong moral code in individuals, but it's also important for creating a safe, supportive society while protecting democracy. The following are the Good Citizenship Values cluster PagkaMaka-Diyos: Faith in the Almighty   Given the importance of my prayer in my life and in the history of my nation, I have a greater understanding of the things I may do when I lead a life of faith. I have the desire to act morally, make good choices, and use my abilities to the fullest extent possible—gifts that God has given me. When faced with situations that go against my moral principles and those that could harm the well-being of others, I will make an effort to maintain my moral integrity. My faith is a gift that sustains me during difficult times and enables me to make moral choices. I am aware of its manifold benefits and I shall strive to nurture this gift through prayer and reflection. I also understand that my faith in God can bring me to apprec